Aromatherapy Books |
375 ESSENTIAL OILS & HYDROSOLS by Jeanne Rose. Jeanne Rose profiles 375 different substances used in aromatherapy according to botanical family, habit and growth, chemical components, actions and uses. Excellent resource by one of the world's leading Herbalist/Aromatherapists! 245 pgs. (# R155)..................................................................................................................................................$14.95 500 FORMULAS FOR AROMATHERAPY by Schiller & Schiller. Over 500 recipes of great blends for health, beauty, household and pleasure. 128 pgs. (# R021)..................................................................................................................................................$12.95 ADVANCED AROMATHERAPY by Kurt Schnaubelt. A chemist and pioneer of the science of aromatherapy, provides a scientific basis for how essential oils interact with the different systems of the body and how they affect our emotional and physical states. 138 pgs. (# R022)..................................................................................................................................................$16.95 AROMATHERAPY BLENDS & RECIPES by Franzesca Watson. Over 800 recipes for every imaginable complaint. 272 pgs. (# R023)..................................................................................................................................................$17.00 AROMATHERAPY: A Lifetime Guide to Healing with Essential Oils by Valerie Cooksley. A step-by-step guide demystifies aromatherapy and provides all of the tools, techniques & recipes needed to prepare and use essential oils. 400 pgs. (# R089)..................................................................................................................................................$13.95 AROMATHERAPY: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art by Kathi Keville & Mindy Green. A unique & insightful book blending the best in herbalism with the finest essence of aromatherapy! Written by well respected teachers/herbalists. 156 pgs. (# R026)..................................................................................................................................................$16.95 AROMATHERAPY: An A-Z by Patricia Davis. An important encyclopedic reference on aromatherapy by one of the world's leading aromatherapists. Invaluable! 382 pgs. (# R040)..................................................................................................................................................$19.95 AROMATHERAPY FOR VIBRANT HEALTH & BEAUTY by Roberta Wilson. Practical A to Z reference for health, skin and hair problems using Essential Oils. 244 pgs. (# R042)..................................................................................................................................................$13.95 AROMATHERAPY MADE EASY (formerly HOLISTIC AROMATHERAPY) by Christine Wildwood. A guide for those wishing to use aromatherapy to promote health and vitality for themselves, friends and family. 176 pgs. (# R046)...................................................................................................................................................$8.00 AROMATHERAPY: The Complete Guide by Daniele Ryman. Well known authority on aromatherapy gives an A to Z listing of the 80 most effective plants and essential oils and explains step-by-step how to use them. 374 pgs. (# R025)..................................................................................................................................................$12.95 AROMATHERAPY BOOK, THE by Jeanne Rose. An excellent resource. With 25 years of experience and research in the art and practice of aromatherapy, this book was written with love by well-known herbalist, Jeanne Rose. She makes aromatherapy easy, fun and inviting. A classic for both the novice and experienced. An absolute must!! 375 pgs. (# R024)..................................................................................................................................................$18.95 AROMATHERAPY FOR COMMON AILMENTS by Shirley Price. Step-by-step instructions & beautiful color photographs. Shows how to apply 12 of the most versatile oils to treat more than 40 common health problems. 96 pgs. (# R027)..................................................................................................................................................$13.95 AROMATHERAPY FOR WOMEN by Maggie Tisserand. An aromatherapy guide focusing on women and their particular health and beauty needs. Instructions for preparing your own remedies, oils, baths, perfumes, mask, etc. An excellent reference. 128 pgs. (# R028)...................................................................................................................................................$8.95 AROMATHERAPY & MASSAGE BOOK by Christine Wildwood. This practical, beautifully illustrated guide is the ideal introduction to the art of aromatherapy and massage. Written by the best-selling author and aromatherapist, this book is full of practical techniques and inspiring ideas. 128 pgs. (# R021)..................................................................................................................................................$20.00 AROMATHERAPY & THE MIND by Julia Lawless. Explores the psychological and emotional effects of essential oils. Excellent reference. 242 pgs. (# R031)..................................................................................................................................................$16.00 AROMATHERAPY: Scent & Psyche by Peter & Kate Damian. Using essential oils for physical and emotional well being. 272 pgs. (# R032)..................................................................................................................................................$16.95 AROMATHERAPY: To Heal & Tend the Body by Robert Tisserand. A comprehensive introduction to this popular form of therapy. Combines the therapeutic properties of essential oils with the relaxation induced by massage. Also covers skin conditions, baths, inhalations, etc. 224 pgs. (# R033)..................................................................................................................................................$10.95 AROMATHERAPY HANDBOOK FOR BEAUTY, HAIR & SKIN CARE by Erich Keller. Filled with many great recipes that are remarkable easy and fun! Shampoos, rinses, bath and massage oils, astringents, masks, lotions, etc. 189 Pages. (# R029)..................................................................................................................................................$12.95 AROMATHERAPY WORKBOOK, THE by Marcel Lavabre. Covers the history, folklore, science and art of aromatherapy, providing one of the most comprehensive treatments on the subject available today. A must for all serious practitioners of aromatherapy. 190 pgs. (# R034)..................................................................................................................................................$16.95 ART OF AROMATHERAPY, THE by Robert Tisserand. A wealth of easy-to-make recipes for massage & medicinal oils, facial masks, ointments and aromatic baths that unlock the hidden strength of flowers & herbs to restore radiant beauty and health. 324 pgs. (# R035)..................................................................................................................................................$12.95 AYURVEDA & AROMATHERAPY: Earth Guide by Drs. Light & Bryan Miller. Integrates the ancient healing science of Ayurveda with aromatherapy. A phenomenal resource for self-health care and practitioners alike! 376 pgs. (# R082)..................................................................................................................................................$21.95 BOOK OF PRACTICAL AROMATHERAPY by William H. Lee & Lynne Lee. The ancient lore and latest therapeutic information on essential oils and how you can use them for stress relief, treatment of illness, sensual enrichment, massage & bath, etc. Fact-packed and functional in an inexpensive format. 200 pgs. (# R037)....................................................................................................................................................$4.95 COLOUR SCENTS: Healing with Colour & Aroma by Suzy Chiazzari. An interesting book investigating the close relationship of color & scent and how these powerful, yet subtle, natural forces can be used to heal and balance our entire being. 239 pgs. (# R045)..................................................................................................................................................$23.95 COMPLETE AROMATHERAPY HANDBOOK by Suzanne Fischer-Rizzi. A beautifully illustrated book on using Essential Oils for Radiant Health. 240 pgs. (# R102)..................................................................................................................................................$17.95 COMPLETE BOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS & AROMATHERAPY, THE by Valerie Ann Worwood. An encyclopedic book containing every conceivable use for aromatherapy in everyday life. Includes complete charts, recipes and directions. A must! 423 pgs. (# R066)..................................................................................................................................................$19.95 ENCHANTING SCENTS (Secrets of Aromatherapy) by Monika Junemann. Explores the cosmic consciousness of scent. 128 pgs. (# R041)....................................................................................................................................................$9.95 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AROMATHERAPY by Chrissie Wildwood. Offers the most elegantly comprehensive book on aromatherapy to date. Deserves a place among the handful of indispensible reference books! 302 pgs. (# R048)..................................................................................................................................................$24.95 ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ESSENTIAL OILS by Julia Lawless. A comprehensive A to Z covering 165 essential oils. Huge and invaluable botanical index for cross-referencing oils. Indispensable reference book. New, updated edition. Very highly recommended! 226 pgs. (# R129)..................................................................................................................................................$16.95 FRAGRANT MIND, THE by Valerie Ann Worwood. An important in-depth exploration into Aromatherapy for personality, mind, mood & emotion by one of the world's leading Aromatherapists. A wealth of information on the human mind and aromas. 429 pgs. (# R073)..................................................................................................................................................$19.95 HEALING POWER OF ESSENTIAL OILS by Rodolphe Balz. The effects and applications of 248 essential oils for health and fitness. Great reference! 204 pgs. (# R044)..................................................................................................................................................$14.95 MAGIC & POWER OF LAVENDER by Maggie Tisserand & Monika Junemann. Lavender is one of the most widely used and popular herbs in the world. The authors explore the wonder and usefulness of this important herb. 132 pgs. (# R068)...................................................................................................................................................$9.95 MAGICAL AROMATHERAPY: The Power of Scent by Scott Cunningham. The physiological and psychological effects of natural fragrances are combined with the ancient art of magical perfumery. Excellent, imaginative book! 224 pgs. (# R097)...................................................................................................................................................$3.95 MAGICK OF AROMATHERAPY, THE by Gwydion O'Hara. An excellent reference book which gives both the healing and magickal properties of Oils and Herbs. 284 pgs. (# R083)..................................................................................................................................................$14.95 PRACTICAL AROMATHERAPY by Shirley Price. An excellent introduction & guide to aromatherapy for beginners and experienced alike. Integrates Shiatsu and Reflexology techniques w/ helpful illustrations. Covers blending (top, middle and base notes). Therapeutic index, case histories. Highly recommended. 160 pages. (# R117)..................................................................................................................................................$11.00 PRACTICE OF AROMATHERAPY by Jean Valnet, MD. Covers 40 essences in detail, including internal and external use and formulas, extracts, tinctures and elixers. Considered the master textbook for most serious studies. 280 pgs. (# R047)..................................................................................................................................................$14.95 SUBTLE AROMATHERAPY by Patricia Davis. An important reference on aromatherapy by one of the world's leading Aromatherapists. The first book devoted solely to the use of essential oils on a subtle or spiritual level. 246 pgs. (# R147)..................................................................................................................................................$15.95 |
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